Bugzilla tutorial
Bugzilla tutorial

bugzilla tutorial
  1. #Bugzilla tutorial how to#
  2. #Bugzilla tutorial upgrade#
  3. #Bugzilla tutorial software#
  4. #Bugzilla tutorial code#

That hosts OSLC UI Preview and OSLC Delegated UI examples, implemented as a NinaCRM: A simple, fictional Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system.OSLC4J Bugzilla adapter: a full-featured adapter that presents Bugzilla bugsĪs OSLC Change Management v2 resources.You will configure a running Bugzilla system using Docker if you do not want Bugzilla: a common open-source defect tracking application.You can follow along with the OSLC Tutorial by using the following software: Other material) to help those on other platforms such as Perl, PHP, Python, In adding examples in different programming languages to this tutorial (or

bugzilla tutorial

OSLC is a community effort and we'd love your help Later versions of this document might expand to other Implementing OSLC are the same regardless of your choice of server-side On the choice of server-side programming languageĪlthough our sample applications use Java and JSP, many of the methods of

  • You want to learn more about how Eclipse Lyo can help you more quickly develop OSLC-driven integrations.
  • You can understand server-side programming languages, particularly in Java and JSP (see below).
  • You can follow examples in XML, JSON, HTML, and JavaScript.
  • #Bugzilla tutorial software#

    You understand the basics of software development, web architecture, HTTP, linked data, and RDF.

    #Bugzilla tutorial code#

    This tutorial is for people who will be writing code to implement OSLC consumers and providers we assume the following about you: We'll implement links to Bugzilla bugs, UI previews, delegated UIs, and automated bug creation.

  • Part 2, turning a home-grown application into a consumer of the Change Management OSLC specification that works with the Bugzilla adapter from Part 1.
  • We'll walk through the architecture of the integration, create OSLC catalogs and representations, provide delegated UIs, and allow you to create Bugzilla bugs programmatically.
  • Part 1, turning Bugzilla into a provider of the Change Management OSLC specification.
  • Downloading and starting the sample applications.
  • It is organized into the following parts: If you want to have a more hands-on approach, you can refer to the complementary hands-on tutorial takes you through the incremental programming steps. This tutorial walks you through a fully developed adapter, with no need to code. Please post on the forum if you encounter any problems in the tutorial! WARNING! This tutorial targets Lyo 2.2 and has not been updated to run on Lyo 5.0, the currently supported version.

    #Bugzilla tutorial how to#

    This tutorial explains how to implement OSLC consumers and providers by examining realistic use cases and showing how to implement OSLC specifications with lots of examples and working code. Older version of the tutorial for Lyo 2.1 can be downloaded as pdf. That said, the company I work with still uses it (alongwith paid support) to ensure we are keeping track of long-running projects.Integrating products with OSLC - Tutorial Overview Table of Contents The most recent version was last deployed in 2016 (yes, 6 years ago), and in this time, if you are not up to date with the most recent and relevant asks, somebody is bound to take over your marketshare. Their limited pace in the development and continuous improvement of the tool has been the reason for it losing it's marketshare. Their reports were pretty good back in the day. Their email alerts are very useful and detailed. While there are many sophisticated tools out there for issue management, a few things that work in it's favor is the community support, free-and-open-source (FOSS) and the ease of deployment. The simplicity of the tool really got me further interested in the Quality career. When I used Bugzilla early on in my career, and I am speaking about 10 years ago, it was my first issue tracking software as a QA Engineer.

    #Bugzilla tutorial upgrade#

    The interface is very light, deployment is easy and no maintenance is needed unless there's a security upgrade coming. And the beauty of FOSS has helped them retain some of their loyal users. Since the rise of Atlassian and JIRA, the market share has completely been wiped away, barring a few customers/companies who still run it. Back then there was no JIRA (or atleast it wasn't as popular as it is now) or ZOHO, and hence the adoption was a no-brainer. Yorumlar: The overall experience with Bugzilla was good.

    Bugzilla tutorial